Michael talks to Pavel Minarik, CTO of Kemp Technologies
By Michael Morris, Director of Global Business Development, Endace
Many organizations are undertaking SOC and NOC modernizations, but what does this mean and what is driving it?
If your company is planning a “modernization” you won’t want to miss this episode of the Endace Packet Forensic files as Pavel Minarik, CTO of Kemp Technologies, talks about what’s important and what is fueling the need to modernize.
Pavel gives his insights into some of the biggest challenges NOCs and SOCs are facing and shares some tips to help these separate teams work together and collaborate more. He underscores why this is becoming more important with increasing network complexity, virtualization, and escalating threat attack vectors.
Finally, Pavel talks about why network traffic is such a foundational data source for both NoCs and SoCs and the pros and cons of flow-based monitoring vs full packet monitoring. He shares the best practices analysts are adopting to become improve investigation efficiency and reduce incident response times.
Other episodes in the Secure Networks video/audio podcast series are available here.