User and device attribution comes to EndaceVision: Empowering network and security incident analysis

Original Entry by : Barry Shaw

We’ve all heard that the application is now the network. This paradigm shift moved us from the simple port-based definition of applications that was prevalent up until the end of the last decade, to the more awkward reality that applications are much more complex and no longer conformed to such a simple scheme. For network operators, understanding the applications on the networks was paramount and Endace responded to this by incorporating deep packet inspection (DPI) technology into its EndaceProbeTM Network Recorders in 2012.

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Playing a hunch with confidence with the latest EndaceProbe software release 5.2

Original Entry by : Andy Summers

In the world of mission-critical networks, the very idea that you may be ‘playing a hunch’ when it comes to investigating a service-affecting issue likely would be met with utter derision. The pressure is to provide confident answers to critical questions; what happened, who was affected and how long will it take to resolve. This can be daunting especially when the air is thick with accusations and the ‘interested parties’ trending towards ‘C-level’ can be insurmountable.

Of course, the truth is that playing educated hunches lies at the very heart of network troubleshooting.  It is only after following and discarding a number of possibilities that you can exonerate yourself in what is known as the mean-time-to-innocence.

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Are your systems safe against the Heartbleed bug?

Original Entry by : Endace

On April 7, the “Heartbleed” bug was announced.  It’s a serious flaw in the OpenSSL 1.0 – 1.0.1 code series which affects all applications using it for encryption.  In short, it means that anyone who can connect to the server can remotely read the server’s memory – including the SSL certificate secret key, usernames and passwords, and anything else.

With the Heartbleed bug exploit code in the wild,  anyone can take advantage of the critical time between public exposure of the exploit and when all organizations can patch (or take offline) vulnerable systems.  So, for almost every organization in the world, there are three questions that come to mind. The first question is “which of my public facing servers is vulnerable?”  The second question is “have I been exploited since this became public?”  And the third question is “what have I lost?”

The EndaceProbe™ Network Recorder helps answer all three questions.

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Starting 2014 with a bang (and a new EndaceProbe release)!

Original Entry by : Endace

The beginning of any new year is the perfect time to build upon the positive momentum of its predecessor and what better way to start than with the new EndaceProbe™ Network Recorder EP5.1.3 release which does exactly that!

Whilst there’s too much to cover in this blog alone, I’ve focused on some of the key additions to our network visibility tool EndaceVision ™ to give a flavour of the new capabilities that this release brings.

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DDoS Attacks on Port 0 – Does it mean what you think it does?

Original Entry by : Tom Jones

Network monitoring best practice includes watching the latest trends not only in your own network, but also in other networks across the Internet. Fortunately, there are some great companies out there tracking what’s happening and issuing periodic reports to keep the rest of us up to speed.

I was very interested to read the recent report from Arbor Networks with the Q2 DDoS (distributed denial of service) attack data collated through their ATLAS Internet monitoring system. The report highlights a 43% increase in attacks from the same period in 2012.

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Taming the Big Data Beast with Endace Network Recorders

Original Entry by : Sonny Singh

It was bound to happen sooner or later. Big data, the darling buzz words that have transcended the boundaries of the tech industry and proliferated every water-cooler conversation from Silicon Valley to Shanghai took a bit of a beating recently. You see, there has been a little scandal that has percolated through every global media outlet out there and stems from allegations that the National Security Agency (NSA) has been secretly compiling and storing people’s personal web and phone records (without their consent, of course), leading to a much larger debate around the validity of such extensive data-gathering operations in general.

However, like any accused criminal that has to yet to be proven guilty, unless all the facts are gathered and the jury hears both sides of the story, it would be premature to pass sentencing. It’s important to look past the negative publicity that ultimately detracts from all the positive aspects of big data and the equally positive impact it will invoke on our society as a whole.

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